Recent Presentations:

Mycofacilitation: Increasing Ecosystem Health with Fungi - A powerpoint (8.9 MB PDF file) presentation by David Demerest

Mushrooms of the Northeast: ID, collection, health benefits, & sustainable cultivation
A powerpoint (671 KB PDF file) presentation by David Demerest

Culinary & Medicinal Mushroom Cultivation For Family Farms
A powerpoint (3.8 MB PDF file) presentation by David Demerest


Traditional Medicinal Mushroom Overview

Mushrooms have been a part of life on earth for around 300 million years (Chang and Miles, 2004). Throughout this time they have had to develop methods to defend themselves from bacteria, viruses and other fungi simply to survive.

Mushrooms and other fungi have done more than simply survive, they have thrived. In part their success is due to producing a wide range of natural antibiotics, natural antiviral compounds, and natural anti-fungal compounds; some of which have been traditionally used for thousands of years and some of which scientists are still in the very beginning processes of learning about.

Reishi, Shiitake, Maitake, and Cordyceps are four increasingly used traditional medicinal mushrooms that currently have substantial independent research on a number of their traditional healing properties.

As a farm specializing in producing and selling traditional medicinal mushroom products we choose to suggest people simply search the extensive medicinal mushroom independent scientific research publicly available by the scientific name of the the traditional medicinal mushroom they are interested in. We feel this approach clearly separates our “financial interests” from the reporting of research related to our products and/or the ingredients contained in them.

We also wish to acknowledge that modern science is not a complete substitute for the thousands of years of cumulative human experience related to many of the traditional medicinal mushrooms and herbs used in traditional methods of healing. There are many aspects of life, health, and the universe as a whole still not fully understood by science; but we believe science should be used as a tool that can assist in an honest effort to learn more about ourselves and the universe that surrounds us.

Due to FDA law, we are limited in what we can say about the potential health benefits of traditional medicinal mushrooms and we must also point out that our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We strongly encourage consultation with a knowledgeable health care practitioner if you have a health condition of concern. No product, or website, can take the place of the advice of a skilled health care practitioner.

On an entirely different side note, many health problems, from allergies to zygomycosis, begin from or are a direct result of the immune system making a mistake (either not responding to something that it should or responding to something that is shouldn't). There are many factors that affect how well the immune system functions; lifestyle decisions about diet, exercise, sleep habits, and stress management are often a great place to start since each of these lifestyle decisions may affect the overall effectiveness of the immune system. Traditional medicinal mushrooms, other traditional herbs, and complementary health care like acupuncture, chiropractic and massage may also play an important role in taking a holistic approach to your health and we encourage you to consult with a knowledgeable health care practitioner to develop and maintain a holistic approach to health.