Recent Presentations:

Mycofacilitation: Increasing Ecosystem Health with Fungi - A powerpoint (8.9 MB PDF file) presentation by David Demerest

Mushrooms of the Northeast: ID, collection, health benefits, & sustainable cultivation
A powerpoint (671 KB PDF file) presentation by David Demerest

Culinary & Medicinal Mushroom Cultivation For Family Farms
A powerpoint (3.8 MB PDF file) presentation by David Demerest


Lemon Reishi (case of 12)

MAPLE LEMON REISHI MYCOBREW This product is only available at local stores and for shipment to select areas in the northeast. Our Maple Lemon Reishi Mycobrew is a Reishi tea with a delicious combination of organic Vermont maple syrup and organic lemon juice for flavor. Like all our products, the ingredients come from local sources whenever possible and the overall sustainability of the product is always considered. There is no need to worry about "natural" and artificial flavors, refined sugars, or preservatives being added to a VTea Mycobrew or anything else with our name on it, and since we are real people you can always ask us direct questions and recieve direct answers.